
  • 홈 아이콘
  • Journals
논문명 학술지 게재년월
경흉부 관통상에 대한 경부와 정중흉골절개술을 이용한 치험 1례 대한외상학회지 2008.12
Needlescopic lung biopsy for interstitial lung disease and indeterminate pulmonary nodules: A report on 65 cases ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 2008.10
Endoscopic evaluation of the quality of the anastomosis after esophagectomy with gastric tube reconstruction WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2008.9
Clinical applications and recent progress of therapeutic artificial organ using moving-actuator mechanisms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS 2008.7
Multiple cardiac perforations and pulmonary embolism caused by cement leakage after percutaneous vertebroplasty EUR J CARDIO-THORAC SURG 2008.3
Mitral valve surgery with surgical embolectomy for mitral valve endocarditis complicated by septic coronary embolism EUR J CARDIO-THORAC SURG 2008.1
논문명 학술지 게재년월
경흉부 관통상에 대한 경부와 정중흉 대한외상학회지 2023.12
Needlescopic lung biopsy for interstitial lung dis ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 2023.12
Endoscopic evaluation of the quality of the anasto WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2023.12
Clinical applications and recent progress of thera INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS 2023.12
Multiple cardiac perforations and pulmonary emboli EUR J CARDIO-THORAC SURG 2023.12
Mitral valve surgery with surgical embolectomy for EUR J CARDIO-THORAC SURG 2023.12